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Here I am pictured in Bali at Les Waterfall in June 2018. 

Bali was an essential part in my healing process; this waterfall in particular. It was a two week journey where I was on a private retreat filled with breathing practices, sound energy, spiritual healers, yoga, meditation, exercise, massage and reflection. No doubt one of the happiest times in my life. I can't describe the feeling I felt while there and after returning home but the best descriptive word is euphoric.

Bali changed me. Bali healed me.


I chose this photo to introduce myself because it is the one I feel most alive in. 


I don't care to talk about my illnesses anymore as they no longer control my life, but I know many of you find me due to illness. If you are suffering from any illness, I am here to help and support you in any way you will allow. While listing my illnesses is not ideal, I do understand it can be of great benefit to those of you who are on the path to healing. A document of hope and possibility. So, here I go: Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS), Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS), Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS), Median Arcuate Ligament Syndrome (MALS), Gastroparesis, Intestinal Dysmotility, Lupus, Kidney Disease, Adrenal Fatigue, High Blood Pressure, Neuropathy, Cervical Instability, Intestinal Prolapse. 



My name is, Kirsten. It's nice to "meet" you.

I'm so glad you're here; I hope you don't mind me talking about myself for a bit.


I think the hardest thing to answer is who are you?

The best I can do for you is "i am". 

Because "i am" never changes.

I am simply a vessel carrying out human activities for the betterment of the world.

I have been many Kirstens in my life.

Some I've liked, some I haven't. But the one constant is that I am continually growing. Full evolutions over here.


Currently I am a wife, a sister, a daughter and a cat mom. I am an artist, a writer, a good friend, a happy and kind human. I am a health coach, a connoisseur of healthy food and the cheeky ones too, a yoga participant, a workout enthusiast, an avid book reader and a lover of solitude. I am a dabbler in meditation and breathingI am spiritual, caring and resilient. I am a caregiver to myself. I am healthy and strong.


In my early years, I struggled with my health. At age 17, my diagnosis started taking more and more from me until multiple diagnoses staked upon one another. My peak illness ages were 27-29; fighting a dozen illnesses at once.


At age 30 (I am currently 33), I had the opportunity to participate in Mayo Clinic's Pain Rehabilitation program. It was the spearhead that jumpstarted a new life for me. One that is full. One that is healthy.

I took what I learned during their three week program (which was based on a lot of holistic practices) and expanded it even further after the program ended. 

I changed my diet to accommodate a whole-food, plant-based lifestyle (read more about my diet HERE) and continued the exercise, meditation, yoga, breathing and talk therapy I was introduced to at Mayo.


I was gifted a whole new life within the year. Year 30 was a gift; one I wasn't sure I would receive. 


After a year and a half of mastering the art of my own health, I felt the call to go back to school to become a Certified Holistic Health and Lifestyle Coach. With biology (pre-med) as my undergraduate background, incorporating the two would be beneficial in helping others find their way back to health

I graduated from the Institute of Integrative Nutrition in January of 2020 and am here to help and support you on your journey to freedom, health and wholeness.

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